Who Am I?

My name is Natasya Lund, I am currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. I currently live in Nottingham but my home is Buckinghamshire, England. Before coming to University, I studied Fashion Retail at Aylesbury College. After hopefully achieving a good degree, I am looking to pursue a career in Fashion Styling; hence why I've got this blog, to share my fashion and style journey with everybody. 

I've always had a huge interest in Fashion, since I was little girl but because of self confidence issues due to bullying etc, it was only til I got to Uni, I thought it was about time to pluck up the courage and properly start a blog to show my devotion and love for clothes and the fashion industry itself - so here I am with natikistyling. I got the name for my blog very randomly, Natiki was made up when I was on holiday with my boyfriend, walking past a bar called 'Cheeky Tiki' and from that, he just suggested a new nickname for me (Natiki) as I am known to have quite a few nicknames, and this seemed to be the best one to suit a fashion blog! :)

This blog is all about expressing my love and interest towards fashion, to hopefully inspire people as well with my style tips. NATIKISTYLING will feature posts such as my personal styling, reports/articles I've written myself, and just showing off bargain finds! As I am all about the bargains when shopping. Don't get me wrong, I love designer clothes but I also love having the challenge to try and find cheaper versions of things, mainly due to the fact I'm just not a fan of spending lots of money on a piece of clothing, if there is a good quality, bargain version! It's all about the bargains for me! Anyway, there's a little about me and my blog.. have a browse around and enjoy! 

Much love,

Natasya aka, Tasha, Tash, Tish Tash, Tassy, Nat, Natiki.. etc. 


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